#79 Brendan Mulvaney on China In Their Own Words

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The Cognitive Crucible is a forum that presents different perspectives and emerging thought leadership related to the information environment. The opinions expressed by guests are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of or endorsement by the Information Professionals Association.

During this episode, Dr. Brendan Mulvaney of the Air University’s China Aerospace Studies Institute discusses geo-political, cultural, military, and talent matters related to China. Our conversation also includes a review of CASI’s “In Their Own Words” series which is a series of translations that cover a wide range of topics related to the China Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army. Brendan gives his thoughts on one of these translations called: Lectures on Joint Campaign Information Operations. Other topics covered include: technical standards, talent, trust, technology acquisition and the OODA loop.


Link to full show notes and resources


Guest Bio: Dr. Brendan Mulvaney is the Director of the China Aerospace Studies Institute–part of the Air University. Prior to this position, Dr. Mulvaney was a US Marine Corps cobra pilot and Chinese language and cultural expert.

Dr. Brendan Mulvaney is the Director of the China Aerospace Studies Institute. Dr. Mulvaney served as a Marine for a quarter of a century, where he flew more than 2000 hours as a AH-1W Cobra pilot, and was an Olmsted Scholar in Shanghai, China. He served at Camp Pendleton, CA; in China as an Olmsted Scholar at Fudan University, where he earned his Ph.D. in International Relations; in Iraq; in Washington D.C. as the inaugural Director of the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ Red Team, and most recently at U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis where he was the Associate Chair for Languages and Cultures and taught Chinese language and culture.

About: The Information Professionals Association (IPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the role of information activities, such as influence and cognitive security, within the national security sector and helping to bridge the divide between operations and research. Its goal is to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars and practitioners and policymakers with an interest in this domain.

For more information, please contact us at communications@information-professionals.org.

Or, connect directly with The Cognitive Crucible podcast host, John Bicknell, on LinkedIn.

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Check out this episode!