Active Measures #51 – Salve Regina University’s Pell Center

China and Hong Kong

  1. Inside Beijing’s Toolbox to Crush Hong Kong | Brendon Hong | The Daily Beast
  2. China’s Playbook in Hong Kong Is Also Working in the Asia-Pacific | Chris Horton | The Atlantic 

Election Integrity

  1. As FEC Nears Shutdown, Priorities such as Stopping Election Interference On Hold | Brian Naylor | NPR
  2. US Officials Fear Even More Devastating Election Hack In 2020 | Eric Lutz | Vanity Fair
  3. The Federal Election Commission Is About to Partially Shut Down | Russ Choma | Mother Jones
  4. How to Defraud Democracy | J. Alex Halderman & Jen Schwartz | Scientific American 
  5. Jacinda Ardern Said National Donations “Outside The Spirit Of The Law” | Thomas Coughlan | Stuff
  6. The Language Gives It Away: How An Algorithm Can Help Us Detect Fake News | Fatemeh Torabi Asr | PBS

Social Media Platforms

  1. How China Uses LinkedIn To Recruit Spies Abroad | Edward Wong | New York Times

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Salve Regina University
The Pell Center
100 Ochre Point Avenue
Newport, RI 02840