Being a Student in the Digital Age

A periodic series to highlight current research efforts in cognitive security.

Project Information Literacy

Project Information Literacy
Project Information Literacy (PIL) is a nonprofit research institute that conducts ongoing, national studies on what it is like being a student in the digital age. They examine how college students find and use information – their needs, strategies, practices, and workarounds – for course work and solving information problems that arise in their everyday lives and the workplace.

One PIL recent research effort to highlight is their News Study. The report from a yearlong study of students and their news engagement practices, commissioned by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Association of College and Research Libraries.  Five research takeaways (results here):
– Many pathways to news – not only on social media.
– News knows no personal boundaries, so students follow selectively.
– Tension exists between idealized views of journalism and a distrust of today’s news.
– Students share news on social media as stewards of what’s important to know.
– Traditional standards for evaluating news are increasingly problematic.

Other PIL research reports:

Planning and Designing Academic Library Learning Spaces: Expert Perspectives of Architects, Librarians, and Library Consultants
Staying Smart: How Today’s Graduates Continue to Learn Once They Complete College
Phase One: Trends from the Lifelong Learning Interviews with Recent Graduates
Learning the Ropes: How Freshmen Conduct Course Research Once They Enter College
Learning Curve: How College Graduates Solve Information Problems Once They Join the Workplace
Balancing Act: How College Students Manage Technology While in the Library during Crunch Time
Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use Information in the Digital Age
Assigning Inquiry: How Handouts for Research Assignments Guide Today’s College Students
Lessons Learned: How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age
Finding Context: What Today’s College Students Say about Conducting Research in the Digital Age

Project Information Literacy

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