Countering Russian Money Laundering: Lessons from Latvia

Exploiting a legal system of a country or trade area (for money laundering) is one facet of the information environment.

Watch the program here.  Read a summary here.

The Latvian bank, ABLV, and subsequent Latvian/EU reform measures offer an opportunity to appreciate how the information environment can be harnessed, exploited and reformed.  In this case, the Latvian bank, ABLV, was called out as a money launderer and also an entry point to a larger free trade area. Subsequent reforms within Latvia and the EU continue to address the issue.  A great introduction to components of the IE; lawfare and cognitive security.

This panel discussion, co-hosted by the Hudson Institute and German Marshall Fund on October 11th, 2018 included:

  • Charles Davidson, Hudson Institute’s Kleptocracy Initiative
  • Joshua Kirschenbaum, Alliance for Securing Democracy, German Marshall Fund
  • Nicolas Veron, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Andris Teikmanis, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia
  • Ilza Znotiņa, Head of Latvia’s Financial Intelligence Unit

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