
June 2017
[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Rand Waltzman On July 14, 2011 – while I was a Program Manager at the […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Fred Cohen (the man who originally coined the term “computer virus”) No solution is perfect, […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Mike Williams I’ve been actively involved in this ‘IO thing’ for just a tad under […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Rand Waltzman Our adversaries around the world have a very different view of Information Warfare […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to]   Written by Steve Banach Colonel (Retired) 11th Director, School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)   The […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at] Some people might be under the impressions that the Russians have a monopoly on disinformation and “fake news”.  The fact is, we have a substantial supply right here in the US.  An excellent example […]
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The first episode of the new Chinese produced TV show “In the Name of the People” aired March 28, 2017. A total of 55 episodes were produced and broadcast. This program is a very interesting piece of propaganda for many reasons (see below). At least the first 11 eleven episodes have been subtitled in English […]
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