
Research & Discussion
IPA President Kevin Gates presented an update on the association’s activities and invited involvement from the community in IPA’s activities during the Phoenix Challenge 2022 conference in late April 2022. Find the presentation here: IPA_Presentation_PC_04182022
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Phoenix Challenge 2021 Conference Report PHOENIX CHALLENGE 21 Conference Report Final   Phoenix Challenge 2021 Keynote Phoenix Challenge 2021 Panel 1_ Information Effects in Strategic Competition Phoenix Challenge 2021 Panel 2 – Risk Based Approaches to Acquisition Security Phoenix Challenge Plenary Panel
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Twitter is sweeping out fake accounts like never before, putting user growth at risk Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June, and the pace has continued in July By Craig Timberg and Elizabeth Dwoskin, July 6 at 6:30 PM, Washington Post SAN FRANCISCO – Twitter has sharply escalated its battle against fake and suspicious […]
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The Hewlett Foundation’s Madison Initiative focuses on strengthening the values, norms and institutions of U.S. democracy in a time of political polarization.  A summary is offered from of one of Hewlett Foundation’s reports, “Social Media, Political Polarization, and Political Disinformation – a Review of the Scientific Literature.”
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Securing Democracy Dispatch – 2 July 2018 Alliance for Security Democracy, German Marshall Fund of the U.S. The Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously approved the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. The bill contains measures to enhance election security and prevent interference from foreign adversaries. Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) said “in the […]
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  Alliance for Securing Democracy – Weekly Dispatch Facebook and Twitter attempt to improve political advertising on their platforms: Facebook announced steps to further increase the transparency of ads and Pages on its platform. Viewers will now be able to see the ads that a Page is running across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and partner networks, […]
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Last May, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published a five-country review of Russian election meddling and each country’s preparatory actions, the notable Russian interference and post-election responses. A worthwhile read. Please find the report here and a summary here.
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Harvard teamed up with the IRI and NDI to produce a ‘how to’ manual for international election officials.  This manual helps election officials prepare and respond to election meddling.  The report is here and the summary is here.  This summary is basic so read through the actual template to better appreciate.  Also, Harvard’s Belfer Center […]
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The Atlantic Council’s report highlights several things Western nations can implement to shore up defenses and even proactively address Russian election meddling.  The report is here and summary slides are here.
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A CSIS-held three-person panel highlighted their current research (published books) on the topic:  General Michael Hayden, Mr. Seth Jones and Ms. Heather Conley. The event is here and a summary is here.
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