
July 2, 2018
Last May, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published a five-country review of Russian election meddling and each country’s preparatory actions, the notable Russian interference and post-election responses. A worthwhile read. Please find the report here and a summary here.
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Harvard teamed up with the IRI and NDI to produce a ‘how to’ manual for international election officials.  This manual helps election officials prepare and respond to election meddling.  The report is here and the summary is here.  This summary is basic so read through the actual template to better appreciate.  Also, Harvard’s Belfer Center […]
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The Atlantic Council’s report highlights several things Western nations can implement to shore up defenses and even proactively address Russian election meddling.  The report is here and summary slides are here.
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A CSIS-held three-person panel highlighted their current research (published books) on the topic:  General Michael Hayden, Mr. Seth Jones and Ms. Heather Conley. The event is here and a summary is here.
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