
May 10, 2019
Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s Head of Cybersecurity Policy May 6th, 2019 – Today we removed multiple Pages, Groups and accounts that were involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior  on Facebook and Instagram. We found two separate, unconnected operations that originated in Russia and used similar tactics, creating networks of accounts to mislead others about who they […]
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Disinformation and Counter-Disinformation Strategies Kremlin Watch Report, European Values Think Tank As a response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Operation Dragoon Ride 2015 was a high-profile and controversial USAREUR tactical convoy. A squadron of Strykers with additional logistical and support elements traveled in a convoy almost 2000 km from Estonia back to their home base […]
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9 May 2019 | Disinformation Review, EU’s European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force Sometimes facts can be disinformation. Taken out of context, a quote, a number, a statement or a picture can be deceiving, while factually correct. Lies work more effectively, when they are supported by something factual; something real, something true. […]
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