
May 2019
Download the full working paper or read the executive summary. The National Endowment for Democracy’s International Forum for Democratic Studies is pleased to announce the release of a new working paper, “Pushing on an Open Door: Foreign Authoritarian Influence in the Western Balkans,” authored by Kurt Bassuener. Nearly two decades after the cessation of violent […]
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Suzanne Spaulding, Devi Nair, and Arthur Nelson, Center for Strategic and International Studies Read the report here. The U.S. justice system is under attack as part of a long-term Russian effort to undermine the appeal of democracy and weaken the West. Via multi-platform disinformation operations, Kremlin-backed operatives work to exacerbate existent divisions within populations […]
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Monica Ruiz, May 2nd 2019, William + Flora Hewlett Foundation In 2007, cyber threats weren’t even mentioned in the intelligence community’s list of worldwide threats to U.S. national security; this year, cyber is the top threat—for the seventh year in a row. But while the scope and scale of the threat is growing, and affecting […]
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