
June 4, 2019
US yanks funds for anti-Iran Twitter feed after complaints Associated Press in the Washington Post, June 1st 2019 The State Department has suspended funding for an online project aimed at fighting Iranian disinformation after it tweeted harsh criticism of individual human rights workers, academics and journalists, some of whom are U.S. citizens. Facebook and Twitter […]
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The Week in Tech: Disinformation’s Huge Inaction ProblemJamie Condliffe, May 31 2019, New York TimesFacebook’s ‘many open questions.’ G.D.P.R. is one year old! Facebook Isn’t Deleting the Fake Pelosi Video. Should it?The Associated Press in the New York Times, May 30 2019When a doctored video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi began making the rounds on […]
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John Villasensor, Brookings Institution, Monday, June 3, 2019 What happens when you mix easy access to increasingly sophisticated technology for producing deepfake videos, a high-stakes election, and a social media ecosystem built on maximizing views, likes, and shares? America is about to find out. As I explained in a TechTank post in February 2019, “deepfakes […]
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