
June 9, 2019
Russia Unhappy With HBO’s ‘Chernobyl,’ Russia is Planning Its Own Series — Blaming The CIA | Kyle Swenson  | Washington Post Pro-Kremlin Media Capitalize on NATO Soldier’s Blunder | Digital Forensics Research Lab Fake: Ukrainians Voting at Gunpoint | Disinfo Portal  Russia’s Manipulation of Twitter Was Far Vaster Than Believed | Tim Starks, Laurens Cerulus, & Mark […]
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Chris Zappone, May 31st 2019, The Age The groups publicise stories around China’s plan for global economic integration while criticising the Western rule-based order, sometimes using Russian-backed media. The group 21SilkRoad, which includes Australians, shares a mix of news and material linked to Russia’s global propaganda apparatus, to “build a virtual community of the major […]
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Bethany Allen-Ebrahiniam and Zach Dorfman, May 20th 2019, Defense One Pro-China protests ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics were orchestrated by Chinese officials. The world thought they were a spontaneous showing of Chinese nationalism. In the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, with the torch relay soon set to pass through San Francisco, […]
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Cade Metz and Scott Blumenthal, June 7th 2019, New York Times In 2017, an online disinformation campaign spread against the “White Helmets,” claiming that the group of aid volunteers was serving as an arm of Western governments to sow unrest in Syria. This false information was convincing. But the Russian organization behind the campaign […]
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