
June 25, 2019
Reuters in the New York Times, June 22nd 2019 LONDON — In August 2018, Spanish authorities uncovered a plot by anti-Brexit campaigners to assassinate leading Brexiteer and now favorite to be Britain’s next prime minister, Boris Johnson. Or did they? That story and others like it were created by a network of social media accounts […]
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Reuters in the New York Times, June 24th 2019 LONDON — An online game that allows people to deploy Twitter bots, photo-shop evidence and incite conspiracy theories has proven effective at raising their awareness of “fake news”, a study from the University of Cambridge has found. Results from the study of 15,000 users of the […]
Read More The Internet is increasingly populated with false and misleading videos. These videos — spread by politicians, advocacy groups and everyday users — are viewed by millions. The Fact Checker set out to develop a universal language to label manipulated video and hold creators and sharers of this misinformation accountable. We have found three main […]
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Our Take Partisan politics stands in the way of implementing many commonsense measures to address foreign interference in U.S. democratic processes, ASD Deputy Director Dave Salvo argues in an op-ed for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Disinformation surrounding cyber threats could be particularly detrimental to the electoral process, ASD Head of Policy and Research Jessica Brandt noted to PBS NewsHour. Deepfake technologies are becoming […]
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