
July 22, 2019
SEC. 218. FOREIGN MALIGN INFLUENCE OPERATIONS RESEARCH PROGRAM.     (a) Program Required.–The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, shall carry out a research program on foreign malign influence operations research as part of the university and other basic research programs of the Department of Defense (such as […]
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Matt Armstrong, July 16th 2019 There are plenty of discussions today, and for the past many years, about “information warfare,” “ideological warfare,” and, more rarely, “political warfare.” While some may read these as largely synonymous terms, they should convey different meanings which translates into a differing understanding of the threat and thus the response required.  […]
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Our Take States need additional federal funding to address election security vulnerabilities, according to a report co-authored by ASD Deputy Director David Salvo and Head of External Affairs Rachael Dean Wilson with the Brennan Center for Justice, R Street Institute, and University of Pittsburgh’s Institute for Cyber Law, Policy and Security. In an interview with the Washington Post Rachael Dean […]
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2020 Election and Information Security Director of National Intelligence Daniel R. Coats Establishes Intelligence Community Election Threats Executive | Office of the Director of National Intelligence Mark Esper, Defense Secretary Nominee, Says DOD Confident In Security of 2020 Election | Andrew Blake | Washington Times Americans Could Be a Bigger Fake News Threat Than Russians In The 2020 Presidential Campaign | […]
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