
Ed. note: On Friday, April 3 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, the Hudson Institute will hold an online discussion about China’s use of diplomacy and propaganda during the COVID-19 crisis. Worth listening in. Hudson Institute Livestream Event: China’s Charm Diplomacy: Beijing’s Attempts to Reinvent Reality Friday, April 3, 2020 11:00am to 12:00pm Please be advised: This...
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Ed. note: In the last few months, new opportunities have emerged from the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and private entities focused on countering foreign influence and disinformation. Here is a sample of those efforts, and IPA will continue to monitor new calls and solicitations as they emerge. Department of Homeland Security, National...
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Ed. note: The campaign of misinformation from foreign outlets and leaders regarding COVID-19 continues to alarm U.S. leaders, while their requests that Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms tighten policies regarding misinformation from Chinese Communist Party leaders have been largely met with resistance. Republican House and Senate leaders have not only asked social media...
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Ed. Note: Social media is still somewhat the Wild West when it comes to rules and regulations, but it is troubling that public figures are given exceptions to post unsubstantiated information. The Hill reported today that Twitter refuses to remove posts by Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lijian Zhao implying the U.S. military may...
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Ed. Note: The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Long War Journal and The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center both report on China expelling reporters from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and The Washington Post this week, seen as an attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to control reporting during a time of crisis...
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Ed. note: The Air Force established the 16th Air Force in October 2019 to bring cyber, intelligence, and other information dominance operations together under one roof at JBSA-Lackland, Texas. The new organization combines the former 24th and 25th Air Forces, which oversaw cyber and ISR operations, along with electronic warfare, cryptology, psychological operations, the 557th...
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  Eliza Mackintosh, CNN, Helsinki, Finland (CNN) – On a recent afternoon in Helsinki, a group of students gathered to hear a lecture on a subject that is far from a staple in most community college curriculums. Standing in front of the classroom at Espoo Adult Education Centre, Jussi Toivanen worked his way through his […]
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Daniel Funke, September 12th 2019, Poynter New terms for the misinformation trade The language surrounding misinformation seems to change as fast as the tactics used by the people who spread it. Terms that once meant one thing — “fake news,”for example — now mean something else, or are used so differently by different people that they […]
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  Hannah S. Chapman and Theodore P. Gerber, September 5th 2019, Washington Post Considering the Russian government’s disinformation efforts to polarize American voters during the 2016 presidential election, the United States and major corporations have been working to prevent the Kremlin from influencing the 2020 election via social media. But powerful governments use mass […]
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Pratik Jakhar, BBC News, September 7th 2019 According to China, its Confucius Institute is “a bridge reinforcing friendship” between it and the world. But to its critics the government-run body – which offers language and cultural programmes overseas – is a way for Beijing to spread propaganda under the guise of teaching, interfere with […]
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