
Originally published at By COL (ret) Carmine Cicalese During his recent confirmation hearings to be the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley cited the need for the joint force to improve its information related capabilities and the ability to integrate them to better counter Chinese and Russian information warfare […]
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Tonya Riley, August 22nd 2019, Washington Post Researchers worry that a new feature giving Instagram users the power to flag false news on the platform won’t do much to head off efforts to use disinformation to sow political discord in 2020. The role of Instagram in spreading political disinformation took center stage in a pair […]
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By Bill Gertz – Wednesday, August 21, 2019 – Washington Times The ruling Communist Party of China issued internal guidelines recently mandating that state-run propaganda outlets avoid any positive reports on the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. The guidelines are dated June 12 and were put out by the Chinese national security commission, the […]
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Our Take Beijing’s use of English-language inauthentic social media accounts demonstrates its desire to manipulate the flow of information outside its borders, argued Director Laura Rosenberger to the Washington Post. Using fake social media posts on Twitter and Facebook, China attempted to internationally discredit Hong Kong protestors demanding democratic reforms and government accountability, China Analyst Matt Schrader told WAMU 88.5, Australia’s ABC […]
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Platform News Maintaining The Integrity Of Our Platforms  | Shane Huntley | Google Information operations directed at Hong Kong | Twitter Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior from China | Facebook In the Trump Era, a Family’s Fight With Google and Facebook Over Disinformation | Nicholas Confessore & Justin Bank | New York Times  4chan Trolls Impersonated Jewish Twitter Users. Again. | Rachelle Hampton […]
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The Editors, Scientific American, September 2019 No one thinks, I am the kind of person who is susceptible to misinformation. It is those others (stupid anti-vaxxers! arrogant liberal elites!) who are swayed by propaganda masquerading as news and bot armies pushing partisan agendas on Twitter. But recent disinformation campaigns—especially ones that originate with coordinated agencies in Russia or China—have […]
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Clare Duffy, August 18 2019, CNN New York (CNN Business)As the United States gears up for another presidential election, aware of the role online disinformation played in 2016, the business of publishing false or extremist content online remains a lucrative one.  At least $235 million in revenue is generated annually from ads running on extremist and disinformation websites, […]
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Kate Conger, August 19th 2019, New York Times SAN FRANCISCO — China has adopted Russia’s playbook for spreading disinformation on Facebook and Twitter, deploying those tactics in its increasingly heated information war over the protests that have convulsed Hong Kong. In recent weeks, Facebook and Twitter accounts that originated in China acted in a coordinated fashion […]
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Our Take The Kremlin’s operatives are adept at jumping on divisive narratives in the news cycle, with the goal of dividing Americans, noted Director Laura Rosenberger in the Washington Post. The United States should pay greater attention to Russia’s use of economic coercion and malign financial influence to further its political objectives, suggested Director Laura Rosenberger on MSNBC. Sophisticated psychological measures such […]
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RussiaThe Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism | Jo Becker | New York Times (Editor's Note: If you missed this when it ran last weekend, read it now. One of the finest examples of journalism about disinformation we've seen.)Time to Shed More Light on Russian Harassment of NATO Forces’ Families | Keir Giles | Chatham HouseThe Kremlin […]
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