
Mueller Report Mueller Report: Trump Dismisses “Russian Hoax” in Call with Putin | The Guardian Collusion or Russian Disinformation? | David Satter | Wall Street Journal Russian Disinformation Near and Far Russia Denies U.S. Claim it Told Venezuela’s Maduro not to Flee | Andrew Osborn | Reuters Ukraine Made a Comedian Its President. Here’s What […]
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Download the full working paper or read the executive summary. The National Endowment for Democracy’s International Forum for Democratic Studies is pleased to announce the release of a new working paper, “Pushing on an Open Door: Foreign Authoritarian Influence in the Western Balkans,” authored by Kurt Bassuener. Nearly two decades after the cessation of violent […]
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Suzanne Spaulding, Devi Nair, and Arthur Nelson, Center for Strategic and International Studies Read the report here. The U.S. justice system is under attack as part of a long-term Russian effort to undermine the appeal of democracy and weaken the West. Via multi-platform disinformation operations, Kremlin-backed operatives work to exacerbate existent divisions within populations […]
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Monica Ruiz, May 2nd 2019, William + Flora Hewlett Foundation In 2007, cyber threats weren’t even mentioned in the intelligence community’s list of worldwide threats to U.S. national security; this year, cyber is the top threat—for the seventh year in a row. But while the scope and scale of the threat is growing, and affecting […]
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Facebook Expects to Be Fined Up to $5 Billion by F.T.C. Over Privacy Issues Mike Isaac and Cecilia Kang, April 24th 2019, New York Times Facebook said on Wednesday that it expected to be fined up to $5 billion by the Federal Trade Commission for privacy violations. The penalty would be a record by the […]
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YouTube recommended a Russian media site thousands of times for analysis of Mueller’s report, a watchdog group says Drew Harwell and Craig Timberg, April 26th, 2019, Washington PostWhen the report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III came out last week, offering the most authoritative account yet of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, […]
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Our Take Foreign trolls continue to target social media platforms: ASD Non-resident Fellow Clint Watts joined NPR’s Sacha Pfeiffer to discuss the various manipulation tactics used by Russian trolls to sow discord within the U.S. in the lead-up to the 2016 election. Watts emphasized the need for bipartisan cooperation to remedy the polarization that agents […]
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2020 Campaign F.B.I. Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race and Boosts Counterintelligence Operations | Julian Barnes and Adam Goldman | The New York Times Here’s the Kremlin’s Playbook For Disrupting the 2020 Election | Casey Michel | Think Progress The 2020 Presidential Campaigns Are Still Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. Here’s Why | Phillip Elliot […]
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The Straits Times, April 22nd, 2019 China’s top legislative body raised concerns last Saturday (April 20) about a new artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can digitally swap people’s faces. The technology, known as deepfake, is a human image synthesis technique based on AI that uses a combination of existing and source videos to create a […]
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CSIS event – May 1st, 2019 – Beyond the Ballot: How the Kremlin Works to Undermine the Justice System Keynote address by former Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff
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