
Digital Deceit II:  A Policy Agenda to Fight Disinformation on the Internet Digital Deceit:  A Policy Agenda to Fight Disinformation on the Internet by Dipayan Ghosh and Ben Scott, New America, September 24th, 2018The report develops a framework to address the digital threat to democracy and recommends a set of specific proposals. The crisis for […]
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LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media authors Peter Singer and Emerson Brooking study what social media has been doing to politics, news, and war by tracking conflicts around the globe, studying the spread of YouTube battle clips and more. New York City – October 3th, 2018 – New America Washington DC – October 5th, 2018 – Center for Strategic […]
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On October 2nd, 2018, the Center for Strategic and International Studies will host an event highlighting a thirty-country survey on attitudes towards the U.S.  Sign up or watch the webcast through the link below: Pew Global Attitudes Survey: America’s Public Image Abroad
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Several sections from the September 17th Dispatch, from the Alliance for Securing Democracy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States. President Trump signs Executive Order on investigating and imposing sanctions for election interference: On September 12, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) to clarify and streamline the process of detecting and sanctioning foreign entities […]
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China’s Sharp and Soft Power Stimson Center, May 31st, 2018 A PDF summary is here A debate has emerged about the nature and impact of China’s sharp and soft power on the rest of the world and the international system. China’s sharp and soft power campaigns are global efforts aimed at creating a friendly and benevolent […]
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A recent Atlantic Council event highlighted several aspects of: Election Interference: Emerging Norms of Digital Statecraft Atlantic Council, September 12, 2018 The Atlantic Council issue brief helps to better refine a “terms of reference” for foreign election interference.  The panel discussion (IPA SUMMARY HERE) offers further thinking on the topic.  The President’s recent Executive Order […]
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The Center for Strategic and International Studies held a panel discussion on September 10th, 2018: Countering Disinformation:  Interdisciplinary Lessons for Policy Makers The 90 minute event may be watched via YouTube.  Additionally, a quick summary is included here.
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Ipsos released a study on September 5th of over 19,000 people across 27 countries. Washington, DC, September 5, 2018 — A new Ipsos study of over 19,000 men and women across 27 countries , part of our long-running series on misperceptions of key social realities – The Perils of Perception – highlights how people think fake news, filter bubbles, and […]
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How Real News is Worse Than Fake News Too much information can lead to a cynical population that expects little from its leaders. Tyler Cowen, Bloomberg Opinion, September 5th, 2018 . . .   If you doubt that truth itself is the problem, just ask yourself: How much would it demoralize you to read the truth […]
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Securing Democracy Dispatch September 4, 2018 News and Commentary Efforts to secure the November midterms are still lagging: The Secure Elections Act, which seeks to improve the security of U.S. election systems, is currently stalled in the Senate. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), originally created in 2002 to oversee election integrity from the local […]
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