
Justice Department plans to alert public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy Washington Post, 19 July 2018, Ellen Nakashima The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima wrote a nice piece on the U.S. government’s efforts with foreign influence operations as presented at the recent Aspen Security Forum. Some highlights: …exposing schemes to the public is an important […]
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Justice Department plans to alert public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy – Washington Post, 19 July 2018, Ellen Nakashima The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima wrote a nice piece on USG efforts as presented at the recent Aspen Security Forum.  Her article is here and also PDF’ed on the IPA website.  Some highlights: FBI – …exposing schemes […]
Read More Recommend this article which highlights NATO’s StratCom Centre of Excellence: Janis Sarts is being asked these questions regularly. He’s the head of the host of the conference, the NATO-accredited StratCom (strategic communication) centre of excellence in Riga. They’ve been around only a few years and already governments are banging on the door asking how […]
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Yesterday afternoon, Senator John Warner and Senator Marco Rubio discussed the Kremlin’s interference in elections at the Atlantic Council. Interestingly, the Helsinki press conference held by President Trump and President Putin provided some discussion for the event. Senators Rubio and Warner Push Back on Trump’s Press Conference with Putin A summary of the first hour […]
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The Washington Post has an article on how Russian President Putin’s image remains viable and compelling throughout the world. Branding Putin – How the Kremlin turned the Russian president into a global icon Anton Troianovski in Moscow, Washington Post, 12 July 2018
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Chris Doten from the National Democratic Institute has recent blog entry on online disinformation.  A summary of his short post: Garbage in, garbage out – our democratic systems are dependent on the input of citizens, but when disinformation is also an input, the outputs of our processes can be deeply flawed – disinformation is about […]
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The Center for a New American Security released a report on China’s use of coercive economic measures.  The report offers prescriptive actions at the end.  An IPA summary is also offered.
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Twitter is sweeping out fake accounts like never before, putting user growth at risk Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June, and the pace has continued in July By Craig Timberg and Elizabeth Dwoskin, July 6 at 6:30 PM, Washington Post SAN FRANCISCO – Twitter has sharply escalated its battle against fake and suspicious […]
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The Hewlett Foundation’s Madison Initiative focuses on strengthening the values, norms and institutions of U.S. democracy in a time of political polarization.  A summary is offered from of one of Hewlett Foundation’s reports, “Social Media, Political Polarization, and Political Disinformation – a Review of the Scientific Literature.”
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Securing Democracy Dispatch – 2 July 2018 Alliance for Security Democracy, German Marshall Fund of the U.S. The Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously approved the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. The bill contains measures to enhance election security and prevent interference from foreign adversaries. Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) said “in the […]
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