
Countering Weaponized Information Middle East Institute event in January, 2018 including several well known experts: – Charles Lister, moderator – Shadi Hamid, Brookings – Nancy Payne, PeaceTech Lab – Haroon Ullah, BBG IPA SUMMARY HERE Countering Weaponizing Information – Mobile technologies for consuming and spreading information are empowering individuals and nonstate actors in politics and in conflicts. […]
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Online Information Laundering: The Role of Social Media By Kirill Meleshevich and Bret Schafer The Alliance for Security Democracy, German Marshall Fund of the U.S., put forth a policy brief in January, 2018 that compares Russian active measures and traditional money laundering schemes. The policy brief is here. IPA SUMMARY HERE Revelations that the Kremlin […]
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We’re happy to forward opportunities for Information Professionals received from other members and below are two items recently sent to me.  Please reach out to the relevant organizations for more details. Mike Williams Information Professional Opportunities The Global Institute for IT Management ( is looking for faculty interested in teaching business analytics, blockchain, and robotics process automation. Anyone […]
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This has been around for awhile and even if you haven’t heard of this ‘fake porn’ problem, you almost certainly have heard of video/audio editing to make it appear that an individual has said or done something they, in fact, have never done. The inimitable takes on the issue of “deep fakes.”  Highly recommend […]
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From an article published today in TechWorld: “Every asshole on the face of the planet has complete and open and unrestricted access to our public social media data – everybody except the United States government.” That’s the verdict of senior information scientist at the RAND Corporation, Dr Rand Waltzman, speaking about the state of ‘cognitive […]
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The event will be held in Washington D.C. on 21 March.  Look for details under events by end of the week. Trust and distrust as two separate, but related, concepts are critical to Cognitive Security.  Our Cognitive Security depends on our acting with confidence based on who we trust and who we distrust in the […]
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From The Economist: “Rand Waltzman, a former programme manager at America’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and now at the RAND Corporation, explains that “when target forces start to counter these [Russian] efforts and/or expose them on a large scale, the Russians are likely to accelerate the improvement of their techniques…in other words, an […]
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This handbook provides an introductory guide to the Russian concept of information warfare, including elements of cyber warfare.  The handbook’s target audience is NATO servicemen and officials who have not previously studied Russian principles of warfighting, but require an introduction to current and projected Russian operations in the information and cyber domains. The guide also […]
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We read a great deal about how social media is used to propagate the ‘bad’ whether it’s ISIS videos or ‘fake news’ both catering to an audience inclined to believe whatever is peddled due to affiliation – tribal, political, ethnicity, etc. The same means can also be used for good – whether it’s Iranians gathering […]
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Re-published from The Strategy Bridge Drs. Waltzman and Paul both spoke at IPA’s recent symposium which addressed a wide range of topics under the rubric of Cognitive Security.  Dr. Waltzman is also a founding board member of IPA.  Dr. Paul has written extensively on issues facing DoD Information Operations and Counter-Insurgency strategy. How the Pentagon […]
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