
Michael Williams
Editor’s Note:  I think the title says it all; a pity so many are willing to do so little and instead fall for that most common of human foibles:  confirmation bias.  Also great to see sites like Bellingcat being highlighted – we need more of them. How Americans Get Tricked Into Participating in Disinformation Campaigns...
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Editor’s Note:  Weaponization of information by Russia to achieve aims that would normally require more violent means is not a new story, and if it is not “warfare” to us, it is most certainly an extension of political aims with the specific objective of undermining our way of life and the influence of democracies throughout...
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Editor’s Note:   We’ve written here before about the work of the European Values Center and they continue to expand their work to expose disinformation and the efforts of malign actors to undermine democracy.  They have recently begun two new newsletters:  The Georgia Watch Briefing the latest of which can be seen here –Georgia Watch Briefing...
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Editor’s note: We have known about the threat of deepfakes for years so it’s not surprising we would have developed an ability to detect them when they are produced by less sophisticated actors.  The threat posed by sophisticated actors continues to be real and we must marshal national-level resources to fight them. This report is...
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Editor’s Note:  The CipherBrief nails it (by way of The Soufan Center): “Without sufficient laws and accompanying strategies in place, the dissemination of disinformation, including the use of deepfakes, will continue unabated despite additional resources. The December 2017 U.S. National Security Strategy mentions disinformation just twice, while the European Union developed a strategy, codes of...
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Editor’s note:  Who hasn’t, in a moment of frustration or after long contemplation, thought about deleting your Facebook or other social media account and just be done with it?  One thing holding you back might be all the photos or other items/postings you with to save.  There’s a way to keep all that stuff without...
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Editor’s note:  This is one example of what needs to be done to fight misinformation – highlighting the motivations of those who twist and edit statements to suit their motivations.  It’s part of any political playbook and perhaps the divisive nature of our politics is inuring people to the threat misinformation poses to a functioning...
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Editor’s note:  Molly McKew has been reporting on Russian disinformation for years and her scholarship has been noted by us and others.  Using the recent unrest in the US, she has outlined exactly how and why the Russians use dis- and mis-information to deepen divides and weaken western democracy. Summary: Evaluating current information operations: The...
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Editor’s note:  Ok, you may have read the headline and thought this was going to be a piece about disinformation in the US….  Plenty about that elsewhere on this blog.  No, this is how one country in particular (Hungary) is being affected by disinformation coming from sources outside the country but being willingly disseminated by...
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Editor – The article linked below from the Strategy Bridge is from a fellow IPA member and among our members his thesis is hardly controversial yet, western governments (mostly, some exceptions like the Baltic states) still struggle as any attempt to coordinate our “narrative” quickly starts to sound like we’re orchestrating from a ‘ministry of...
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