
Certainly an important component of Cognitive Security is public education and this commentary from a former military member highlights that. “Napoleon said “never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake” and we are making a mistake by digging a deep fighting position in our polarized viewpoints, but we can interrupt that. We are the […]
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From Defense One: “The U.S. military is using a new simulator to prepare intelligence analysts and public affairs officers for the social-media front of future wars. A computer program by Cubic is helping to train these troops to sort through tweets, other social media posts, and real and fake news; figure out which posts might be […]
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You’d have to be living under the proverbial rock to not have read about the threats posed by nation-based actors attempting to undermine confidence in democratic societies. The seriousness of the threat is certainly debatable but the fact that it is occurring is not. Uncertainty, fear, tribalism, lambasting the increasingly globalized and connected world all […]
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The Information Professionals Association now has a Twitter account at which you’ll find postings relevant to the field and a new way with which to interact.  Point your twitter feed to @InfoProAssn We’ve also opened the comments section on this blog.  This will be a curated comments section – not to be confused with a […]
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  [If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to]   Written by Rand Waltzman   Operations in cyber space can have many goals. The goal […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Michael Williams US Army Information Operations officer, retired [Originally appeared in, July 26, 2017] […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Rand Waltzman On July 14, 2011 – while I was a Program Manager at the […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Fred Cohen (the man who originally coined the term “computer virus”) No solution is perfect, […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Mike Williams I’ve been actively involved in this ‘IO thing’ for just a tad under […]
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[If you enjoy this Information Professionals Association (IPA) blog post, please consider supporting our efforts by joining the IPA at and if you would like to post a comment on this article, please send it to] Written by Rand Waltzman Our adversaries around the world have a very different view of Information Warfare […]
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