
Chris Paul, Strategy Bridge, March 11th, 2019 https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2019/3/11/is-it-time-to-abandon-the-term-information-operations The current groundswell of interest in and attention on information within the U.S. Department of Defense is unprecedented. Information has been elevated to the status of a joint function, joining the six traditional functions of command and control, intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment. The […]
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By Kimberly Underwood, The Cyber Edge, AFCEA, March 1st, 2019 The Army is working to integrate information functions into its multidomain operations. As the U.S. Army continues to evolve its newest warfighting domain, the cyber domain, information plays a key role. The service is working to incorporate information capabilities along with intelligence, electronic warfare, cyber […]
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