
December 2018
A periodic series to highlight current research efforts in cognitive security. Project Information Literacy Project Information Literacy (PIL) is a nonprofit research institute that conducts ongoing, national studies on what it is like being a student in the digital age. They examine how college students find and use information – their needs, strategies, practices, and […]
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Younger Americans are better than older Americans at telling factual news statements from opinions By Jeffrey Gottfried and Elizabeth Grieco, Pew Research Center While some say wisdom comes with age, younger Americans are better than their elders at separating factual from opinion statements in the news. In a survey conducted Feb. 22 to March 4, […]
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Active Measures #14 – A Newsletter of Political Warfare, Influence, and Information Campaigns Here are the top stories seen this week: Wave of Disinformation from the Azov Sea | EU vs. Disinfo Russian Hackers Haven’t Stopped Probing the US Power Grid | Lily Hay Newman | Wired The Fake News Inquiry Chair Says He’s Seen Evidence A […]
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