
On Thursday, July 9, at 1 p.m., the Wilson Center will host a webcast discussion with Nina Jankowicz, the Disinformation Fellow at the Wilson Center’s Science and Technology Innovation Program. Her book, “How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict,” examines five governments’ responses to disinformation campaigns, the motivations...
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Editor’s note: The Information Professionals Association not only seeks to provide a forum for information professionals to interact but also to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars, practitioners, and policymakers within this domain. Periodically, we’ll post funding opportunities that may be of interest to IPA Members and their colleagues. Department of State Global Engagement Center Countering...
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Editor’s note:  Ok, you may have read the headline and thought this was going to be a piece about disinformation in the US….  Plenty about that elsewhere on this blog.  No, this is how one country in particular (Hungary) is being affected by disinformation coming from sources outside the country but being willingly disseminated by...
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Editor’s Note: During his time as Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates advocated for instruments of “soft power” and advocated for increased spending on diplomacy and for the State Department. In a seminal speech known as the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University on November 7, 2007, Secretary Gates called for increased civilian participation in...
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The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted May 21 to approve the nomination of Michael Pack to lead the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which oversees Voice of America and other international broadcasting entities. Based on the Senate committee’s approval, Pack’s nomination is cleared to move to the full Senate floor for a vote in the...
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Editor – The article linked below from the Strategy Bridge is from a fellow IPA member and among our members his thesis is hardly controversial yet, western governments (mostly, some exceptions like the Baltic states) still struggle as any attempt to coordinate our “narrative” quickly starts to sound like we’re orchestrating from a ‘ministry of...
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Editor:  I’m highlighting this report because it’s a good example of the legwork being done elsewhere highlighting an issue, the people and entities affected by the issue and, most importantly, the motivations of those that are trying to change the beliefs and behavior of a targeted group.  This is what’s necessary to lay the groundwork...
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Editor’s Note: IPA Member and MITRE Corporation National Space Program Portfolio Director L. Dean Worley co-authored a new paper on how the Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) can better communicate its needs and the intended benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) for national security applications to attract external talent and partners. Dean seeks...
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Matt Armstrong, former GOP Governor of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and Information Professionals Association Advisor, expresses his deep concern over President Trump’s pick to head the Agency for Global Media, which oversees the Voice of America because he says, “you have a leader that is not connected to journalism.” The whole purpose of VOA...
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Editor:  Without a bit of irony Defense One wrote a puff piece on SOCOM’s desire to “understand and influence populations” (among other things) without once mentioning the nearly 30 year old effort within DoD to internalize just this thing through a body of ideas and doctrine titled:  Information Operations.  No surprise since the Department itself...
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