
Jon Porter, The Verge, September 2nd 2019 Insert your face into TV shows or movies with just a single photograph Zao, a free deepfake face-swapping app that’s able to to place your likeness into scenes from hundreds of movies and TV shows after uploading just a single photograph, has gone viral in China. Bloomberg reports that the app was […]
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Pete Norman, August 31st 2019, Bloomberg. Fake news and social media posts are such a threat to U.S. security that the Defense Department is launching a project to repel “large-scale, automated disinformation attacks,” as the top Republican in Congress blocks efforts to protect the integrity of elections. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants custom software that can […]
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China and Hong Kong Inside Beijing’s Toolbox to Crush Hong Kong | Brendon Hong | The Daily Beast China’s Playbook in Hong Kong Is Also Working in the Asia-Pacific | Chris Horton | The Atlantic  Election Integrity As FEC Nears Shutdown, Priorities such as Stopping Election Interference On Hold | Brian Naylor | NPR US Officials Fear Even More Devastating Election […]
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SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 | 3:00PM-4:00PM  The Stimson Center, 1211 Connecticut Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington DC, 20036 The Stimson Center’s East Asia Program is launching a new annual series, Taiwan Security Brief. In the inaugural volume, three emerging researchers examine the impact of several nontraditional security challenges in Taiwan: online disinformation, cybersecurity in the digital economy, and […]
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Dana Priest, Rain Aljas and Scott Gelman, August 28th 2019, Washington Post BALTIMORE — Russia’s Twitter campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election in Maryland began in June 2015, 17 months before Election Day, when the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency opened an account it called @BaltimoreOnline and began tweeting about local news events. Its third […]
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Originally published at By COL (ret) Carmine Cicalese During his recent confirmation hearings to be the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley cited the need for the joint force to improve its information related capabilities and the ability to integrate them to better counter Chinese and Russian information warfare […]
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Tonya Riley, August 22nd 2019, Washington Post Researchers worry that a new feature giving Instagram users the power to flag false news on the platform won’t do much to head off efforts to use disinformation to sow political discord in 2020. The role of Instagram in spreading political disinformation took center stage in a pair […]
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By Bill Gertz – Wednesday, August 21, 2019 – Washington Times The ruling Communist Party of China issued internal guidelines recently mandating that state-run propaganda outlets avoid any positive reports on the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. The guidelines are dated June 12 and were put out by the Chinese national security commission, the […]
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Our Take Beijing’s use of English-language inauthentic social media accounts demonstrates its desire to manipulate the flow of information outside its borders, argued Director Laura Rosenberger to the Washington Post. Using fake social media posts on Twitter and Facebook, China attempted to internationally discredit Hong Kong protestors demanding democratic reforms and government accountability, China Analyst Matt Schrader told WAMU 88.5, Australia’s ABC […]
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Platform News Maintaining The Integrity Of Our Platforms  | Shane Huntley | Google Information operations directed at Hong Kong | Twitter Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior from China | Facebook In the Trump Era, a Family’s Fight With Google and Facebook Over Disinformation | Nicholas Confessore & Justin Bank | New York Times  4chan Trolls Impersonated Jewish Twitter Users. Again. | Rachelle Hampton […]
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