
The UK’s Commons Select Committee on Digital, Culture, Media and Sport just published data submitted by Facebook as part of the Committee’s inquiry into Fake News. These PDFs show advertisements run by AggregateIQ (AIQ) on behalf of the Vote Leave and ‘50 Million’, BrexitCentral/BeLeave and DUP Vote to Leave campaigns ahead of the UK’s referendum on […]
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Breaking the fever – WhatsApp suggests a cure for virality Other tech firms should watch and learn The Economist, 26 July 2018 Priests, teachers and parents have for generations advised their wards to think twice before speaking, to count to ten when angry and to get a good night’s sleep before making big decisions. Social […]
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Wired’s article, The ‘Guerrilla’ Wikipedia Editors Who Combat Conspiracy Theories by Louise Matsakis (posted July 25th, 2018) is worth a read. … companies like YouTube, Google and Facebook have turned to Wikipedia to help fight the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories on their own platforms … the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia project has more […]
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The RAND Corporation released a perspective, An American Way of Political Warfare – a Proposal by Charles T. Cleveland, Ryan Crocker, Daniel Egel, Andrew M. Liepman, and David Maxwell. The seven-page read highlights a need to establish an American political warfare capability, with the authorities and knowledge to synchronize all elements of national power in […]
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The Heritage Foundation’s July 19th, 2018 event, Deep Fakes:  A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy and the National Security began with Senator Marco Rubio’s remarks and then a panel discussion hosted by Klon Kitchen with Bobby Chesney (Univ. TX), Danielle Citron (Univ. MD), and Chris Bregler (Google AI). The attached summary captures this hour event […]
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Justice Department plans to alert public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy Washington Post, 19 July 2018, Ellen Nakashima The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima wrote a nice piece on the U.S. government’s efforts with foreign influence operations as presented at the recent Aspen Security Forum. Some highlights: …exposing schemes to the public is an important […]
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Justice Department plans to alert public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy – Washington Post, 19 July 2018, Ellen Nakashima The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima wrote a nice piece on USG efforts as presented at the recent Aspen Security Forum.  Her article is here and also PDF’ed on the IPA website.  Some highlights: FBI – …exposing schemes […]
Read More Recommend this article which highlights NATO’s StratCom Centre of Excellence: Janis Sarts is being asked these questions regularly. He’s the head of the host of the conference, the NATO-accredited StratCom (strategic communication) centre of excellence in Riga. They’ve been around only a few years and already governments are banging on the door asking how […]
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Yesterday afternoon, Senator John Warner and Senator Marco Rubio discussed the Kremlin’s interference in elections at the Atlantic Council. Interestingly, the Helsinki press conference held by President Trump and President Putin provided some discussion for the event. Senators Rubio and Warner Push Back on Trump’s Press Conference with Putin A summary of the first hour […]
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The Washington Post has an article on how Russian President Putin’s image remains viable and compelling throughout the world. Branding Putin – How the Kremlin turned the Russian president into a global icon Anton Troianovski in Moscow, Washington Post, 12 July 2018
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