
Research & Discussion
Navy Commander Tim McGeehan’s article in the Army War College’s Parameters, offers three types of strategies which may be useful to counter Russian, and any foreign government’s information campaigns against Western governments. The article is here.  A brief summary is here
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In the most recent Army War College Parameters, two authors from DoD’s Asymmetric Warfare Group argue that Russian IO are a decisive tool of state power rather than a supporting element.  Uniquely, Russian leaders are significantly more likely to employ diplomatic, military and economic tools in pursuit of informational objectives than other states’ leaders. Article […]
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Successfully Countering Russian Electoral Interference – Fifteen Lessons Learned from the Macron Leaks By Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Center for Strategic and International Studies The CSIS Brief (six pages) was published in June 2018. A summary is here.
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On June 26th, 2018, the Alliance for Securing Democracy of the German Marshall Fund (ASD GMF) for the U.S. held a discussion with former DHS Secretary Chertoff, and former acting director of the CIA Morrell in the Capitol.  ASD launched their “Policy Blueprint for Countering Authoritarian Interference in Democracies”.  This comprehensive, bipartisan report makes recommendations […]
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Countering Weaponized Information Middle East Institute event in January, 2018 including several well known experts: – Charles Lister, moderator – Shadi Hamid, Brookings – Nancy Payne, PeaceTech Lab – Haroon Ullah, BBG IPA SUMMARY HERE Countering Weaponizing Information – Mobile technologies for consuming and spreading information are empowering individuals and nonstate actors in politics and in conflicts. […]
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Online Information Laundering: The Role of Social Media By Kirill Meleshevich and Bret Schafer The Alliance for Security Democracy, German Marshall Fund of the U.S., put forth a policy brief in January, 2018 that compares Russian active measures and traditional money laundering schemes. The policy brief is here. IPA SUMMARY HERE Revelations that the Kremlin […]
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This handbook provides an introductory guide to the Russian concept of information warfare, including elements of cyber warfare.  The handbook’s target audience is NATO servicemen and officials who have not previously studied Russian principles of warfighting, but require an introduction to current and projected Russian operations in the information and cyber domains. The guide also […]
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On 10 January Tim Anderson attended a presentation at the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. where Senator Cardin (D-MD) unveiled a report on Russian hybrid warfare. The first slide (attachment at link below) has the web address for the report.  The slides include the report’s recommendations along with Q&A that I attempted to capture. […]
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